10 things you may not know about me

You'd think it wouldn't take much time to blog... but it does! The pictures, content, writing, etc. - it's more than I thought. But, because I didn't start this blog for any reason other than I wanted to document some of my life, I figure it's okay to just blog when I feel like it.. for now :) So just for fun, here's 10 (very random) things you likely don't know about me!

1. I don't like vegetables. At all. The only way I'll eat them is if they're mixed with something else. Like lettuce in a salad with croutons and dressing or carrots with peanut butter. You'll never catch me eating a plain piece of broccoli :) 

2. My dad died 3 years ago. At the time I thought I was very at peace with it and I had closure because we knew about a month in advance that he wouldn't survive. But the more time that goes by - the more I miss him. This one probably deserves its own post.. on a different day. 

3. My favorite movie OF ALL TIME is Sweet Home Alabama. I love Reese Witherspoon, the cute humor, the love.. all of it. I mean who doesn't melt at the line, "Why do you wanna marry me for anyhow? So I can kiss you anytime I want!" #sigh. My husband doesn't like watching it with me because I'll quote the whole movie. (Second runner-up is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days)

4. I'm slowly becoming more type A the older I get. It never used to bother me if my clothes were laying around or if there were piles of mail/papers stacked up. Now.. oh man that'll drive me nuts. I try to have everything picked up before I go to bed each night. (Lord, help me when I have children).

5. I love to play volleyball. I played in junior high, high school.. played on a club team in college. This past winter I joined a women's league with some lovely ladies and we're joining a summer league in June! I'm so excited. I hope I can continue to play in leagues throughout my life.

6. My least favorite sport to watch is baseball. Oh my goshhhhhhh I find it so boring. There's like eighteen minutes between each pitch.. thirty five minutes between innings. It's just too SLOW. I love fast paced sports like basketball, hockey, etc. 

7. Ask me anything about the TV show, Friends and I could likely answer it. I've watched the series probably 5 times. They're just so funny! 

8. My husband and I have a lot of weird stuff in common. Like we're both the babies of the family. Both play volleyball. Both have two older siblings that are quite a bit older than us. Both have type O blood (very rare). Just weird stuff that I think shows we're made for each other.

9. My favorite thing: Lighting a yummy smelling candle, putting on comfy clothes, curling up on the couch with a blanket watching Netflix or reading a good book. I love to be cozy! :) 

10. My mom and all 7 of her brothers and sisters have had some form of skin cancer. Luckily none have been to the depths of melanoma (thank you Lord) but it still scares me. You will never ever ever catch me in a tanning bed OR outside for longer than 10 minutes without sunscreen on. Just won't happen - I'm way too cautious. 

Alrighty that's all for today! Hopefully I'll be back more often. Thanks for stopping by! 

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