Fly to Jesus

My sweet grandmother went to be with Jesus this morning around 2am. Although I'll miss her dearly, I know she's in a better place. Here's my letter to her... 

Dear Grandma P, 

I will ALWAYS miss every part of you, but here's what I'll miss the most.

Your cute little laugh. 
That pretty white hair (that you hated so much). 
The cute little slippers you always wore. 
Your 'special K' bars (which were really rice krispies with chocolate on top). THE BEST.
The way you'd try to keep talking after I said I had to take off. You just loved to chat!
How you called my dad 'Stevie'. :)
Your love for the color blue. 
Teaching me to put sugar on my strawberries. and LOTS of it. 
The way you'd say 'HOLLY' after I made yet another sarcastic, 'smarta**' comment to you!
Talking about the Kardashians with you!!
The special treats you always had in your fridge and pantry.
Your photo books you put together for all of us.
The old VHS tapes you kept around.. Forrest Gump, Mrs. Doubtfire, etc...
The sparkle in your eye when you'd tease me. 

I hope you're enjoying heaven with Grandpa and my Daddy. Say hi to them both. ♡
Love you always. 

I remember showing you this picture from our wedding.. You HATED it (just like you did with every picture of yourself). But you told me I looked like a model. So, so sweet. Although you hated looking at pictures of yourself, this is one I will treasure forever.

This song is really resonating with me. Fly to Jesus, Grandma. ♡

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