Weekend Rewind

This weekend went a little differently then I planned it! Such is life.. here's a little recap.

Friday night after work, Randy and I headed over to my mom's apartment building (she's got a temporary apartment while her house is being built). They have a large gathering room where my nieces' birthday party was being held on Saturday. We waited there for my sister and mom to help decorate for the party. Around 6:30 we headed home. Randy left shortly after to go play some outdoor hockey with his guy friends. I put my jammies on and headed straight to our new bed :) - more on the new bed in a later post! After some Gossip Girl, I drifted off for the night. 

Saturday morning I woke up, did some laundry, dishes, etc. then got ready for the big birthday party extravaganza! My nieces' birthdays and my sisters all fall in a line. Mara's birthday is on February 2nd (she just turned 6), Ellie's is on February 3rd (she just turned 3), and my sister Abby's is on February 4th. Crazy! So because the girls' birthdays are so close, they still have a combined party. We headed over there about 9 and got the party started! After some delicious brunch, presents, and cake, we got some bad news.. my paternal grandma's aneurysm had burst. We've known about her aortic aneurysm for quite a few years now but she's been doing so well, it came as quite a shock that it finally came to life (to me anyway). With that news, we headed up to the hospital to be with her and the rest of our family. They're keeping her pretty sedated as she was in a LOT of pain when the aneurysm ruptured.. it was quite a shock to me to walk in and not be able to talk with her. She was always a talker - you never had to worry about what to talk about when you went to visit her. It was always easy to visit with her! She looked quite comfortable and like she was just heavily sleeping though. I suppose that's a lot better than her being in pain. We're told it will be hours or a few days before she passes. It's tough to tell. After a few hours there, we headed back home for the Saturday night mass. My older niece was reading a petition at mass; it was a treat to see. After church we headed home and literally crashed. Rand and I put in a movie but passed out by 8. We were exhausted after an emotional day!

Sunday I got up and did the normal again - dishes, laundry, made breakfast, etc. I did a little cleaning before I left for the hospital again. I headed there to sit with my grandma and family again. I left after a few hours and went to see my other grandma. She's also in a care center but doing well. My mom and I visited with her for a bit and then headed out. I went home to work for a couple hours and then headed to watch the Superbowl with my mom and some of her friends. They are a riot and WOW, what a game. We just got home a little while ago and I'm wiped.. I'm laying in bed watching Gossip Girl (of course) and finishing up this post. I'm sure this week will be a little different depending on what happens with my grandma. I took the news hard at first but.. we all knew it would happen eventually and it's all up to God. He had a plan for the timing of my grandma's death and I need to trust Him. It's hard because she was such a special lady but.. I know she had a good life and I can still talk to her whenever I want. 

That's all for now.. I know this post may not be exciting or interesting (I don't think I took one picture the whole weekend, oops), but it's just me documenting my life. It's like a little scrapbook for me - whether it's made up of words or pictures, I don't care. I just know that one day I'll look back and be really grateful I typed all of this up. 

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