I hit 30 weeks as of this past Thursday - I can't believe my due date is only 10 weeks away! I think time is about to start dragging but yet will be here before we know it.
Due date: December 7th, 2017
How far along: 30 weeks!
Gender: BOY!!!!
Baby’s name: I think we have it narrowed down to a top two but I don't think we'll decide until he makes his appearance.
Size of the baby: He's as big as a zucchini. Almost 3 pounds and about 15 inches long. But I'd guess he's bigger/longer than that because my belly is measuring two weeks ahead. Probably because Randy and I are giants!
Movement: Alllllll day every day. Kicks and punches and rolling around in there like crazy.
Total weight gain so far: Just over 20 pounds.
Symptoms: The usual - swollen feet/ankles and leg cramps with a little bit of heartburn/overall discomfort thrown in. The heartburn is not bad at all, it really only happens after I eat and then sit in a weird position where the baby is pushing everything up. I've had a couple of days the past few weeks where the baby is just in a weird position - like under my ribs or whatever - where I've been uncomfortable. Other than that I'm still feeling really good about 90% of the time.
Most recent doctor appointment: This past Monday. Heart rate was about 140 bpm, my blood pressure was good. I also got my Tdap and flu shots. Whomp whomp :) We also had another ultrasound on Thursday because my placenta was apparently low-lying at my anatomy ultrasound. Everything is where it should be and baby still looks great. The ultrasound tech showed us his kidney, heart, stomach, etc. - which all look like little blobs to me but yay that he has them :) Hah!
Belly button in or out: Still in for the most part but starting to pop out.
Favorite maternity clothes right now: Ummm. Leggings and long sleeve shirts/sweatshirts. Comfort is the name of my game.
Stretch marks: Mmmm none really. I had some on my 'love handles' before I was pregnant and those are still there but I don't think they've gotten worse.
Sleep: I still sleep pretty well overall. Leg cramps don't wake me up AS much and I still wake up once in awhile (but not every night) to pee. I told my sister the other day that sleep isn't really the problem but getting out of bed is. It feels like my insides need a minute to shift back to where they need to be. :)
Mood: Good! I think the pregnancy hormones are coming on a little stronger lately but I'm still in a good mood (I think). It's more happy hormones than anything - I almost started crying the other day when I hugged Randy because I just love him so much and seeing him do all of these things for the little baby makes me happy. :) #sappy
Food cravings: Not really strongly craving anything. Still loving meat, beans, milk but also the sweets have made their way back into my life. I liked the first trimester when I had no interest in candy or sweets ;)
Favorite moment this week: I think seeing the nursery coming together. It makes it that much more real.
Biggest complaint: Trying to find a dress for my baby shower(s). I found one but I ordered a few online that weren't great and then I tried on about 20 in the store (which is a lot of dang work at 30 weeks pregnant!!!).
Recent baby purchase: A lot since my last post! We got the crib, rocking chair, dresser and some clothes for the little babe. I'm trying not to buy too much for clothes because we don't know how big he'll be but sometimes it's hard to resist. I'm expecting him to be bigger rather than smaller considering how tall Randy and I are so we only bought a few newborn size outfits and the rest 3mo and bigger.
Hubby: Still a saint. Putting together allllllll the nursery furniture and putting up with me. :)
Nursery: Coming together! Got the crib, rocking chair and dresser put together. Now we just need to move a few more things out of there before I can really get stuff where it needs to be. Hopefully I can do a nursery post here soon!
Labor signs: Still none. I think I might've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions one night but nothing crazy.
Looking forward to: My first baby shower is this weekend! I can't wait to see everyone and show this little baby some love.
I don't have any bump pictures to end with this time but our maternity pictures are coming up soon. I'm excited for that!
I don't have any bump pictures to end with this time but our maternity pictures are coming up soon. I'm excited for that!